Working Historians is a podcast series that showcases the work and careers of historians in a wide variety of career fields. We hope to introduce history students and the general public to the career paths available to people who study history, introduce and promote historians to students and the public, and showcase the work that historians do on a regular basis. Hosts Rob Denning and Jimmy Fennessy can be reached at workinghistorians@gmail.com.
What can college graduates do with a history degree? Beginning in 2017, history educators Robert Denning and James Fennessy decided to try to answer that question by talking to professional historians inside academia and outside in the dreaded “real world.” Those conversations became the basis for Working Historians, a podcast series where historians explain what they do with their lives. Since then, Rob and Jimmy have talked to dozens of professionals in a variety of history-related fields about their careers, including archivists, college professors, consultants, government agents, grade school teachers, politicians, museum curators, archaeologists, writers, linguists, and others.
Working Historians is also a platform for historians to share their research, via formal presentations or interviews. In doing so, Rob, Jimmy, and their guests discuss the specific skills (and sometimes dumb luck) that historians rely on in their efforts to understand the past. By describing what historians do all day, Rob and Jimmy hope to demystify the historical profession and have a good time doing so.
If you are interested in appearing on Working Historians to discuss your history-related research or career, we’d love to hear from you. Click here and send us a message!
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