Working Historians is a podcast series that showcases the work and careers of historians in a wide variety of career fields. We hope to introduce history students and the general public to the career paths available to people who study history, introduce and promote historians to students and the public, and showcase the work that historians do on a regular basis. Hosts Rob Denning and Jimmy Fennessy can be reached at workinghistorians@gmail.com.

Saturday Sep 23, 2017
Saturday Sep 23, 2017
Patrick O'Hara is an instructor at Southern New Hampshire University and a middle-school teacher in history and social studies for the Wilkes-Barre Area School District. Here he discusses his educational background, his research into the Palmer Raids and other historical topics, and the process and the requirements of becoming a K-12 teacher.

Sunday Sep 10, 2017
Sunday Sep 10, 2017
David Numme is the Associate Dean of Faculty for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics at Southern New Hampshire University. Here we talk about how the skills learned in the study of liberal arts and history are relevant in STEM fields and related industries.

Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Christina Lamoureux - Ph.D Student, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Christina Lamoureux is a graduate of the Master of Arts program in History with a concentration in public history and is starting a Ph.D program at University of Nevada in Las Vegas. Here we talk about her background, the history of prostitution, and the evils of bowling.

Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Seth Bartee - Adjunct Instructor and Writer
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Dr. Seth Bartee is an instructor at Southern New Hampshire University and at Guilford Technical Community College in Greensboro, NC. Here we talk about his background, his research on the rise of the Alternative Right in American politics, and his career as a writer and adjunct instructor.

Monday Jul 31, 2017
Steven Green - Ph.D Student, University of California, Santa Cruz
Monday Jul 31, 2017
Monday Jul 31, 2017
Steven Green is a graduate of the M.A. History program at Southern New Hampshire University and is about to start a doctoral program in history at the University of California at Santa Cruz. Here he discusses his academic background, the Ph.D application process, and the important decisions that go into that process.

Friday Apr 07, 2017
Stephanie Averill - Historian
Friday Apr 07, 2017
Friday Apr 07, 2017
Dr. Stephanie Averill is an instructor at Southern New Hampshire University. Here she discusses her use of historical skills in a variety of endeavors, including writing, public outreach, and volunteer opportunities.

Thursday Mar 30, 2017
Josh Esposito - Staff Historian, U.S. Southern Command, Celestar Corporation
Thursday Mar 30, 2017
Thursday Mar 30, 2017
Dr. Joshua Esposito is an instructor at Southern New Hampshire University and a staff historian for the United States Southern Command in Miami, Florida. Here he talks about his research and teaching interests, his experiences in graduate school, and the career path that took him to SOUTHCOM.

Thursday Mar 23, 2017
Archival Careers for Historians: Lara Hall - Archivist, LBJ Presidential Library
Thursday Mar 23, 2017
Thursday Mar 23, 2017
Lara Hall is an instructor for Southern New Hampshire University and an archivist at the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library at Austin, Texas. In this episode she talks about her research and teaching interests, the differences between working at museums and archives, and the career path that took her to the LBJ Library.

Monday Mar 13, 2017
Monday Mar 13, 2017
This started out as a correction to an error in a previous episode. It grew into something much larger. There is no interview here. Instead, Rob tells the story of the massacre of Chinese workers near Chico, California, in 1877.
Secondary sources used in this episode:
Sucheng Chan, This Bittersweet Soil: The Chinese in California Agriculture, 1860-1910 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986).
Andrew Gyory, Closing the Gate: Race, Politics, and the Chinese Exclusion Act (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998).
Jean Pfaelzer, Driven Out: The Forgotten War against Chinese Americans (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008).

Sunday Mar 05, 2017
Sunday Mar 05, 2017
Jennifer Bryant is an instructor at SNHU and a preservation compliance officer with the Colorado State Historical Preservation Office. In this conversation, we talk about some aspects of the history of the American West, blindspots in history regarding violence against minority groups, and her career as a volunteer and professional agent for historic preservation.

Friday Feb 24, 2017
Consulting Careers for Historians: Bob Irvine - Consultant, PARC Resources
Friday Feb 24, 2017
Friday Feb 24, 2017
Dr. Bob Irvine teaches history in the Master of Arts in History program at SNHU and is a consultant for Parc Resources in Oregon. In this episode, Dr. Irvine talks about his research and teaching interests, water reclamation projects in Kansas during the twentieth century, and the historical skills he uses in his job as a consultant.

Saturday Feb 11, 2017
Chris Kline - Learning Community Facilitator
Saturday Feb 11, 2017
Saturday Feb 11, 2017
- Christopher Kline, an instructor and Learning Community Facilitator for Southern New Hampshire University, discusses his research and teaching interests, why the Whiskey Rebellion broke out in post-Revolutionary Pennsylvania, the evolution of his career, and advice for students looking to break into careers in history. Professor Kline has worked as a history tutor, a member of a museum board, and an adjunct instructor at community colleges and universities.

Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
History Soundbites: Halloween Edition with Everett Dague
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
SNHU's very own instructor, Everett Dague, recorded a podcast for all of you just in time for Halloween! The story involves not only a missing man, but how Everett came to research the topic and why it is so important for us to do our own research! Come and give it a listen!